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  • 本教程主要如何进行手眼协作中相机和臂的设置与具体操作流程
  • 测试环境:Ubuntu 22.04 + ROS2 Humble + wx250s机械臂 + RealSense D435i相机


  • 首先要搭建支架,并将RealSense摄像头固定在相机支架或三脚架顶部的 1/4 英寸螺钉上
  • 然后将支架放在工作区域,调整摄像头位置,使摄像头指向桌面
  • 接下来,在桌面且在摄像头的视野范围内上放置一些小的、不反光的物件,并且确保机械臂能够正常抓取
  • 物件应该足够小,以便无论夹具从任何方向都能正常抓取起来
  • 但它们不能太反光,因为这会干扰深度摄像头通过使用红外光定位它们的能力
  • 同样,工作区域不应受到阳光直射,因为这也会干扰摄像头的深度感应能力
  • 工作区域示例图:


  • 准备一个apriltag标签,贴在机械臂上,如上图位置所示
  • apriltag标签保存存放在interbotix_ros_toolboxes/interbotix_perception_toolbox/interbotix_perception_modules/images/tags目录下,打印tag41_12_00005_printoff.pdf出来后再剪一个贴在机械臂上面


  • 在测试例程前,相机必须知道臂相对于自身的位置
  • 一种方法是手动测量从相机到机器人base_link的TF位差,并将其发布为静态变换,但此方法麻烦且有可能测出不准确的数据
  • 相反,使用apriltag_ros的方法来查找夹具上的 AprilTag视觉基准标记相对于相机的TF变换。之后,计算从相机TF到机械臂上的变换base_link并将其发布为静态变换
  • 假设正在现实中使用WidowX-250s机械臂,获取静态变换 运行该命令
$ ros2 launch interbotix_xsarm_perception xsarm_perception.launch.py robot_model:=wx250s use_pointcloud_tuner_gui:=true use_armtag_tuner_gui:=true
  • RViz 应会与两个独立的 GUI 一起弹出,其中一个 GUI 将如下图所示


  • 初始设置相机可能不能检测到AprilTag,可通过禁用扭矩方式,手动移动机械臂以便机械臂检测到AprilTag
$ ros2 service call /wx250s/torque_enable interbotix_xs_msgs/srv/TorqueEnable "{cmd_type: 'group', name: 'arm', enable: false}"
  • 手动移动机械臂,使 AprilTag 在摄像头中清晰可见(RViz 显示屏左下方的实时视频流应该会对此有所帮助)

  • 然后在与之前相同的终端中,按如下方式将机械臂放回原位

$ ros2 service call /wx250s/torque_enable interbotix_xs_msgs/srv/TorqueEnable "{cmd_type: 'group', name: 'arm', enable: true}"
  • 现在,在 Armtag Tuner GUI 中,单击Snap Pose按钮
  • 此时可以随意设置应拍摄的快照数量,确认之后将从快照计算出的位姿取平均值,以得出机械臂相对于相机的更准确位姿
  • 检查计算姿势准确性的一种方法是切换 RViz 中的 RawPointCloud 显示
  • 预期 AprilTag 的位置应该位于机器人模型的AR标签链接上(可能在下面几毫米)
  • 如果不是,请继续按Snap Pose按钮,直到看起来正确为止
  • 终端信息会显示,'static_transforms.yaml' 的文件会自动保存到系统目录中



  • 调整xyx,设置相机画面过滤框

  • 默认情况下,需要抓取的物体应该在框内,比如要将物件放入前方的盒子,那么过滤框中就不应出现都到该盒子

  • 程序只会识别框中的物件

  • 设置完成后,点击Load Configs按钮保存配置

  • 接下来可以进行抓取测试

  • 更多设置信息可参阅此处

  • 其他用于进一步定制的启动文件参数,如下所示

Argument Description Default Choices
robot_model One of: (‘px100’, ‘px150’, ‘rx150’, ‘rx200’, ‘wx200’, ‘wx250’, ‘wx250s’, ‘vx250’, ‘vx300’, ‘vx300s’, ‘mobile_px100’, ‘mobile_wx200’, ‘mobile_wx250s’)    
robot_name name of the robot (typically equal to robot_model, but could be anything) LaunchConfig(robot_model)  
base_link_frame name of the ‘root’ link on the arm; typically base_link, but can be changed if attaching the arm to a mobile base that already has a base_link frame. base_link  
use_gripper if true, the default gripper is included in the robot_description parameter; if false, it is left out; set to false if not using the default gripper. true true, false
show_ar_tag if true, the AR tag mount is included in the robot_description parameter; if false, it is left out; set to true if using the AR tag mount in your project. true true, false
show_gripper_bar if true, the gripper_bar link is included in the robot_description parameter; if false, the gripper_bar and finger links are not loaded. Set to false if you have a custom gripper attachment. true true, false
show_gripper_fingers if true, the gripper fingers are included in the robot_description parameter; if false, the gripper finger links are not loaded. Set to false if you have custom gripper fingers. true true, false
use_world_frame set this to true if you would like to load a ‘world’ frame to the robot_description parameter which is located exactly at the ‘base_link’ frame of the robot; if using multiple robots or if you would like to attach the ‘base_link’ frame of the robot to a different frame, set this to false. false true, false
external_urdf_loc the file path to the custom urdf.xacro file that you would like to include in the Interbotix robot’s urdf.xacro file. ‘’  
hardware_type configures the robot_description parameter to use the actual hardware, fake hardware, or hardware simulated in Gazebo. actual actual, fake, gz_classic
robot_description URDF of the robot; this is typically generated by the xacro command. Command(FindExec(xacro) + ‘ ‘ + LocalVar(‘FindPackageShare(pkg= interbotix_xsarm_descriptions) + ‘urdf’ + LaunchConfig(robot_model)’) + ‘.urdf.xacro ‘ + ‘robot_name:=’ + LaunchConfig(robot_name) + ‘ ‘ + ‘base_link_frame:=’ + LaunchConfig(base_link_frame) + ‘ ‘ + ‘use_gripper:=’ + LaunchConfig(use_gripper) + ‘ ‘ + ‘show_ar_tag:=’ + LaunchConfig(show_ar_tag) + ‘ ‘ + ‘show_gripper_bar:=’ + LaunchConfig(show_gripper_bar) + ‘ ‘ + ‘show_gripper_fingers:=’ + LaunchConfig(show_gripper_fingers) + ‘ ‘ + ‘use_world_frame:=’ + LaunchConfig(use_world_frame) + ‘ ‘ + ‘external_urdf_loc:=’ + LaunchConfig(external_urdf_loc) + ‘ ‘ + ‘hardware_type:=’ + LaunchConfig(hardware_type) + ‘ ‘)  
load_configs a boolean that specifies whether or not the initial register values (under the ‘motors’ heading) in a Motor Config file should be written to the motors; as the values being written are stored in each motor’s EEPROM (which means the values are retained even after a power cycle), this can be set to false after the first time using the robot. Setting to false also shortens the node startup time by a few seconds and preserves the life of the EEPROM true true, false
rs_camera_pointcloud_enable enables the RealSense camera’s pointcloud. true true, false
rbg_camera_profile profile for the rbg camera image stream, in <width>x<height>x<fps> 640x480x30  
depth_module_profile profile for the depth module stream, in <width>x<height>x<fps> 640x480x30  
rs_camera_logging_level set the logging level for the realsense2_camera launch include info debug, info, warn, error, fatal
rs_camera_output_location set the logging location for the realsense2_camera launch include screen screen, log
rs_camera_initial_reset On occasions the RealSense camera is not closed properly and due to firmware issues needs to reset. If set to true, the device will reset prior to usage. false true, false
filter_ns namespace where the pointcloud related nodes and parameters are located pc_filter  
filter_params file location of the parameters used to tune the perception pipeline filters LocalVar(‘FindPackageShare(pkg= interbotix_xsarm_perception) + ‘config’ + ‘filter_params.yaml’’)  
use_pointcloud_tuner_gui whether to show a GUI that a user can use to tune filter parameters false true, false
enable_pipeline whether to enable the perception pipeline filters to run continuously; to save computer processing power, this should be set to false unless you are actively trying to tune the filter parameters; if false, the pipeline will only run if the get_cluster_positions ROS service is called. LaunchConfig(use_pointcloud_tuner_gui) true, false
cloud_topic the absolute ROS topic name to subscribe to raw pointcloud data ‘/camera/depth/color/points’  
tags_config parameter file location for the AprilTag configuration LocalVar(‘FindPackageShare(pkg= interbotix_perception_modules) + ‘config’ + ‘tags.yaml’’)  
camera_frame the camera frame in which the AprilTag will be detected camera_color_optical_frame  
apriltag_ns namespace where the AprilTag related nodes and parameters are located apriltag  
camera_color_topic the absolute ROS topic name to subscribe to color images ‘camera/color/image_raw’  
camera_info_topic the absolute ROS topic name to subscribe to the camera color info ‘camera/color/camera_info’  
armtag_ns name-space where the Armtag related nodes and parameters are located armtag  
ref_frame the reference frame that the armtag node should use when publishing a static transform for where the arm is relative to the camera LaunchConfig(camera_frame)  
arm_base_frame the child frame that the armtag node should use when publishing a static transform for where the arm is relative to the camera LaunchConfig(robot_name) + ‘/’ + LaunchConfig(base_link_frame)  
arm_tag_frame name of the frame on the arm where the AprilTag is located (typically defined in the URDF) LaunchConfig(robot_name) + ‘/’ + ‘ar_tag_link’  
use_armtag_tuner_gui whether to show a GUI that a user can use to publish the ref_frame to arm_base_frame transform false true, false
position_only whether only the position component of the detected AprilTag pose should be used when calculating the ref_frame to arm_base_frame transform; this should only be set to true if a TF chain already exists connecting the camera and arm base_link frame, and you just want to use the AprilTag to refine the pose further false true, false
load_transforms whether or not the static_trans_pub node should publish any poses stored in the static_transforms.yaml file at startup; this should only be set to false if a TF chain already exists connecting the camera and arm base_link frame (typically defined in a URDF), and you would rather use that TF chain as opposed to the one specified in the static_transforms.yaml file true true, false
transform_filepath filepath to the static_transforms.yaml file used by the static_trans_pub node; if the file does not exist yet, this is where you wouldd like the file to be generated LocalVar(‘FindPackageShare(pkg= interbotix_xsarm_perception) + ‘config’ + ‘static_transforms.yaml’’)  
use_rviz launches RViz if set to true true true, false
rviz_frame desired fixed frame in RViz LaunchConfig(robot_name) + ‘/’ + LaunchConfig(base_link_frame)  
rvizconfig filepath to the RViz config file LocalVar(‘FindPackageShare(pkg= interbotix_xsarm_perception) + ‘rviz’ + ‘xsarm_perception.rviz’’)  


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