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  • 本教程主要介绍如何在ros2环境下运行记录与复现轨迹例程


  • 启动机械臂,假设当前使用的是wx250s机械臂
$ ros2 launch interbotix_xsarm_puppet xsarm_puppet_single.launch.py robot_model:=wx250s record_or_playback:=record
  • 节点启动完成后,手动操纵臂和夹具,完成所需的动作
  • 完成后,将机器人返回到其初始起始位置并Ctrl+C节点,以便 rosbag 停止录制
  • 默认情况下,bag文件将保存在bag目录中
  • 执行回放程序
$ ros2 launch interbotix_xsarm_puppet xsarm_puppet_single.launch.py robot_model:=wx250s record_or_playback:=playback


$ ros2 bag play </path/to/bag>
  • 机器人现在应该重复这些动作。完成后,按Ctrl+C停止所有节点

  • 要查看xsarm_puppet_single.launch.py​​文件的其他命令行参数,请参阅下表

Argument Description Default Choices
robot_model model type of the Interbotix Arm such as wx200 or rx150.   px100, px150, rx150, rx200, wx200, wx250, wx250s, vx250, vx300, vx300s, mobile_px100, mobile_wx200, mobile_wx250s, aloha_wx250s, aloha_vx300s
robot_name name of the robot (typically equal to robot_model, but could be anything). LaunchConfig(robot_model)  
use_rviz launches RViz if set to true. true true, false
record_or_playback ‘record’ to record joint commands while physically manipulating the arm to a bagfile or ‘playback’ to play-back joint commands from a bagfile to a torqued on arm.   record, playback
bag_name Desired ROS bag file name. LaunchConfig(robot_name) + ‘_commands’  
launch_driver true if xsarm_control should be launched - set to false if you would like to run your own version of this file separately. true true, false
xs_driver_logging_level set the logging level of the X-Series Driver. INFO DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
use_sim if true, the DYNAMIXEL simulator node is run; use RViz to visualize the robot’s motion; if false, the real DYNAMIXEL driver node is run. false true, false
base_link_frame name of the ‘root’ link on the arm; typically base_link, but can be changed if attaching the arm to a mobile base that already has a base_link frame. base_link  
use_gripper if true, the default gripper is included in the robot_description; if false, it is left out; set to false if not using the default gripper. true true, false
show_ar_tag if true, the AR tag mount is included in the robot_description; if false, it is left out; set to true if using the AR tag mount in your project. false true, false
show_gripper_bar if true, the gripper_bar link is included in the robot_description; if false, the gripper_bar and finger links are not loaded. Set to false if you have a custom gripper attachment. true true, false
show_gripper_fingers if true, the gripper fingers are included in the robot_description; if false, the gripper finger links are not loaded. Set to false if you have custom gripper fingers. true true, false
use_world_frame set this to true if you would like to load a ‘world’ frame to the robot_description which is located exactly at the ‘base_link’ frame of the robot; if using multiple robots or if you would like to attach the ‘base_link’ frame of the robot to a different frame, set this to false. true true, false
external_urdf_loc the file path to the custom urdf.xacro file that you would like to include in the Interbotix robot’s urdf.xacro file. ‘’  
hardware_type configures the robot_description to use the actual hardware, fake hardware, or hardware simulated in Gazebo. actual actual, fake, gz_classic
robot_description URDF of the robot; this is typically generated by the xacro command. Command(FindExec(xacro) + ‘ ‘ + LocalVar(‘FindPackageShare(pkg= interbotix_xsarm_descriptions) + ‘urdf’ + LaunchConfig(robot_model)’) + ‘.urdf.xacro ‘ + ‘robot_name:=’ + LaunchConfig(robot_name) + ‘ ‘ + ‘base_link_frame:=’ + LaunchConfig(base_link_frame) + ‘ ‘ + ‘use_gripper:=’ + LaunchConfig(use_gripper) + ‘ ‘ + ‘show_ar_tag:=’ + LaunchConfig(show_ar_tag) + ‘ ‘ + ‘show_gripper_bar:=’ + LaunchConfig(show_gripper_bar) + ‘ ‘ + ‘show_gripper_fingers:=’ + LaunchConfig(show_gripper_fingers) + ‘ ‘ + ‘use_world_frame:=’ + LaunchConfig(use_world_frame) + ‘ ‘ + ‘external_urdf_loc:=’ + LaunchConfig(external_urdf_loc) + ‘ ‘ + ‘hardware_type:=’ + LaunchConfig(hardware_type) + ‘ ‘)  

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