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farmbot开发入门教程-lua 曲线


  • 介绍FarmBot OS 中的曲线 Lua 函数列表


  • 通过 ID获取曲线对象,然后可以使用该对象获取给定日期的曲线值,通常基于植物的当前年龄。曲线对象的属性包括:

    • name- 曲线的名称
    • type- 曲线的类型 ( water, spread, 或height)
    • unit- 曲线的单位(mL用于水曲线或mm蔓延和高度曲线)
    • day(number)- 给定日期的曲线值,例如:curve.day(10)
  • 通过导航到 Web 应用程序中的曲线并复制 URL 末尾的数字来手动查找曲线的 ID。

-- Get curve by its ID
curve = get_curve(123)

-- Display curve value and units for day 10
day = 10
toast("The " .. curve.type .. " on day " .. day .. " is " .. curve.day(day) .. curve.unit)
  • 可以从植物对象的 、 和 属性water_curve_id中spread_curve_id检索植物的曲线 ID 。height_curve_id
-- Get plant from sequence variable
local plant = variable("Plant")

if plant.water_curve_id then
    -- Get water curve from plant
    local water_curve = get_curve(plant.water_curve_id)

    -- Get water amount in mL from curve for the plant's current age
    local water_ml = water_curve.day(plant.age)

    -- Display how much to water the plant today
    local days_old = " (" .. plant.age .. " days old)"
    toast(plant.name .. days_old .. " should be watered " .. water_ml .. "mL")
    toast("Plant has no assigned water curve.", "warn")

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