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cd ~/crazyswarm/ros_ws/src/crazyswarm/scripts
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python3 collisionAvoidanceHighConflict.py --sim
- 代码如下
"""Worst-case test of Buffered Voronoi Cell collision avoidance algorithm.
Computes the center of all initial positions, and tells each robot to go straight across the center. Many are forced to wait. This stresses two components of the collision avoidance algorithm:
- Dealing with full "deadlocks" that require a sidestep maneuver
- Handling situations when the goals are far away from the current positions.
Also will cause high-gain controllers without proper windup handling to fail.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import numpy as np
import pycrazyswarm
Z = 1.0 # Takeoff altitude.
duration = 6.0 # Duration of all goTos.
def positionGoTo(timeHelper, cfs, goals, kp=1.0, velMax=0.5):
while True:
positions = np.row_stack([cf.position() for cf in cfs])
errors = positions - goals
# Check stopping criterion.
distances = np.linalg.norm(errors, axis=1)
assert len(distances) == len(cfs)
if np.all(distances < 0.1):
# Command direct to goal.
# Rely on BVCA algorithm and controller to not be too aggressive.
for cf, goal in zip(cfs, goals):
cf.cmdPosition(goal, yaw=0)
def velocityGoTo(timeHelper, cfs, goals, kp=2.0, velMax=0.5):
while True:
positions = np.row_stack([cf.position() for cf in cfs])
errors = positions - goals
# Check stopping criterion.
distances = np.linalg.norm(errors, axis=1)
assert len(distances) == len(cfs)
if np.all(distances < 0.1):
# Compute P-only linear position control law.
# Rely on BVCA algorithm and controller to not be too aggressive.
velocities = -kp * errors
for cf, vel in zip(cfs, velocities):
cf.cmdVelocityWorld(vel, yawRate=0)
def main():
# Crazyswarm's inner parser must add help to get all params.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
group = parser.add_argument_group("Collision avoidance", "")
help="Control mode to use.",
choices=["goto", "velocity", "position"],
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
swarm = pycrazyswarm.Crazyswarm(parent_parser=parser)
timeHelper = swarm.timeHelper
cfs = swarm.allcfs.crazyflies
xy_radius = 0.3
radii = xy_radius * np.array([1.0, 1.0, 3.0])
for i, cf in enumerate(cfs):
others = cfs[:i] + cfs[(i+1):]
cf.enableCollisionAvoidance(others, radii)
# Everyone will go straight across the center, causing many conflicts.
initialPositions = np.row_stack([cf.initialPosition for cf in cfs])
initialPositions[:,2] = Z
center = np.mean(initialPositions, axis=0)
goals = center + (center - initialPositions)
swarm.allcfs.takeoff(targetHeight=Z, duration=Z+1.0)
timeHelper.sleep(Z + 2.0)
if args.mode == "goto":
for goal, cf in zip(goals, cfs):
cf.goTo(goal, yaw=0.0, duration=duration)
timeHelper.sleep(duration + 1.0)
for cf in cfs:
cf.goTo(cf.initialPosition + [0.0, 0.0, Z], yaw=0.0, duration=duration)
timeHelper.sleep(duration + 1.0)
elif args.mode == "velocity":
velocityGoTo(timeHelper, cfs, goals)
velocityGoTo(timeHelper, cfs, initialPositions)
for cf in cfs:
elif args.mode == "position":
positionGoTo(timeHelper, cfs, goals)
positionGoTo(timeHelper, cfs, initialPositions)
for cf in cfs:
raise ValueError("--mode {} not understood.".format(args.mode))
for cf in cfs:
swarm.allcfs.land(targetHeight=0.04, duration=Z+1.0)
timeHelper.sleep(Z + 2.0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- 在仿真环境下,两只Crazyflie起飞后,直接飞过中心,飞行时避免碰撞
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