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PX4开发指南-13.16.安装Intel RealSense R200的驱动

Installing driver on Ubuntu for Intel RealSense R200

本教程介绍了如何在Linux环境中安装Intel RealSense R200摄像头的摄像头驱动程序。 RealSense R200相机头如下所示:


  • The installation of the driver package is executed on a Ubuntu operation system (OS) that runs as a guest OS in a Virtual Box. The specifications of the host computer where the Virtual Box is running, the Virtual Box and the guest system are given below:

    • Host Operation System: Windows 8
    • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz
    • Virtual Box: Oracle VM. Version 5.0.14 r105127
    • Extensions: Extension package for Virtual Box installed (Needed for USB3 support)
    • Guest Operation System: Linux - Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
  • The tutorial is ordered in the following way: In a first part it is shown how to install Ubuntu 14.04 as a guest OS in the Virtual Box. In a second part is shown how to install ROS Indigo and the camera driver. The ensuing frequently used expressions have the following meaning:

    • Virtual Box (VB): Program that runs different Virtual Machines. In this case the Oracle VM.
    • Virtual Machine (VM): The operation system that runs in the Virtual Box as a guest system. In this case Ubuntu.

Installing Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS in Virtual Box

  • Create a new Virtual Machine (VM): Linux 64-Bit.

  • Download the iso file of Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS: (ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso).

    • Installation of Ubuntu: ◦During the installation procedure leave the following two options unchecked:

      • Download updates while installing

      • Install this third party software

  • After the installation you might need to enable the Virtual Box to display Ubuntu on the whole desktop:

    • Start VM Ubuntu and login, Click on Devices->Insert Guest
      Additions CD image in the menu bar of the Virtual Box.

    • Click on "Run" and enter password on the windows that pop up in Ubuntu.

    • Wait until the installation is completed and then restart. Now, it should be possible to display the VM on the whole desktop.

    • If a window pops up in Ubuntu that asks whether to update, reject to update at this point.

  • Enable USB 3 Controller in Virtual Box:

    • Shut down Virtual Machine.

    • Go to the settings of the Virtual Machine to the menu selection USB and choose: "USB 3.0(xHCI)". This is only possible if you have installed the extension package for the Virtual Box.

    • Start the Virtual Machine again.

Installing ROS Indigo

  • Follow instructions given at ROS indigo installation guide:

    • Install Desktop-Full version.

    • Execute steps described in the sections "Initialize rosdep" and "Environment setup".

Installing camera driver

  • Install git:
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/PercATI/RealSense_ROS.git

Follow instructions given in here.

  • Press the enter button when the questions whether to install the following installation packages show up:
Intel Low Power Subsystem support in ACPI mode (MFD_INTEL_LPSS_ACPI) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)

 Intel Low Power Subsystem support in PCI mode (MFD_INTEL_LPSS_PCI) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)

 Dell Airplane Mode Switch driver (DELL_RBTN) [N/m/y/?] (NEW)
  • The following error message that can appear at the end of the installaltion process should not lead to a malfunction of the driver: rmmod: ERROR: Module uvcvideo is not currently loaded
  • After the installation has completed, reboot the Virtual Machine.
  • Test camera driver:

    • Connect the Intel RealSense camera head with the computer with a USB3 cable that is pluggged into a USB3 receptacle on the computer.

    • Click on Devices->USB-> Intel Corp Intel RealSense 3D Camera R200 in the menu bar of the Virtual Box, in order to forward the camera USB connection to the Virtual Machine.

    • Execute the file [unpacked folder]/Bin/DSReadCameraInfo:

      • If the following error message appears, unplug the camera (physically unplug USB cable from the computer). Plug it in again + Click on Devices->USB-> Intel Corp Intel RealSense 3D Camera R200 in the menu bar of the Virtual Box again and execute again the file [unpacked folder]/Bin/DSReadCameraInfo.

      DSAPI call failed at ReadCameraInfo.cpp:134!

      • If the camera driver works and recognises the Intel RealSense R200, you should see specific information about the Intel RealSense R200 camera head.
  • Installation and testing of the ROS nodlet:

    • Follow the installation instructions in the "Installation" section given here, to install the ROS nodlet.

    • Follow the instructions in the "Running the R200 nodelet" section given here, to test the ROS nodlet together with the Intel RealSense R200 camera head.

      • If everything works, the different data streams from the Intel RealSense R200 camera are published as ROS topics.

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