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Arduino库教程-Bridge-Yun First Config

Yún First Configuration(yun的初次配置)

  • 这个例子展示怎样用你的yun设备连接到一个WiFi网络(在整个过程将串口监视器作为通讯接口)。

  • 上传程序到yun设备,并且打开串口监视器。串口监视器输出将会显示有效的WiFi网络,然后询问选择使用哪个。你必须输入网络的密码,然后要求为yun设备起个名字和密码。如果与被选择的网络成功连接,你获得一个确定信息和设计到yun设备的IP。通过粘贴IP地址到网页浏览器,你可以得到yun平台的更多选项。

  • 如果有些东西出错,你可以重新开始这个流程;如果你想要连接的网络不在列表上,你可以继续人工选择特定的网络SSID和passkey。

  • 注意:这个程序要求yun设备运行在1.6.2或者更新的版本。请检查更新教程,确保你运行的是最新有效版本。


  • Yún 开发板或者 shield
  • 一个连接到互联网的无线网络


图由 Fritzing 软件绘制


Process.h被用来进入在linux processor的processes,和其他,如shell脚本。这里我们用它来获得APs的列表和执行其他动作来使我们知道WiFi的参数。

  • 函数

String getUserInput(String out, bool obfuscated) - 通过串口监视器管理从用户那里的输入,打印回到窗口。当密码被输入时,boolean类型的变量“obfuscated”被用来打印 “*” 。

void wifiConfig(String yunName, String yunPsw, String wifissid, String wifipsw, String wifiAPname, String countryCode, String encryption) - 用Process来执行一系列的linux下的命令和脚本,那些按用户选择设置WiFi和网络参数。

void startSerialTerminal() – 简单初始化两个需要的串口接口来执行程序要求的动作。

void loopSerialTerminal() – 创建两个串口接口的连接,一个通过USB和PC交谈,另一个和Linux Processor交谈。它有一个命令模式(引用类型'~' ),关闭Birgde和允许通过其他芯片设置不同的通讯速度

  • 用法






  • 完整程序如下:
  Arduino Yún First configuration sketch

  Configures the Yún101/YunShield/Yún WiFi and infos via the Bridge
  Works correctly if Line Ending is set as "NewLine"
  If your board has two USB ports, use the Native one

  The circuit:
   Arduino Yún/Yún101/YunShield with firmware > 1.6.1

  created March 2016
  by Arduino LLC

  This example code is in the public domain.


#include <Process.h>

#define MAX_WIFI_LIST 10

String networks[MAX_WIFI_LIST];
String yunName;
String yunPassword;

void setup() {
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.begin(9600);  // initialize serial communication
  while (!SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL);     // do nothing until the serial monitor is opened

  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("Hi! Nice to see you!"));
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("I'm your Yun101 assistant sketch"));
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("I'll help you configuring your Yun in a matter of minutes"));

  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("Let's start by communicating with the Linux processor"));
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("When LED (L13) will light up we'll be ready to go!"));
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("(in the meanwhile, if you are using the IDE's serial monitor, make sure that it's configured to send a \"Newline\")\n"));
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  Bridge.begin();  // make contact with the linux processor
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);  // Led on pin 13 turns on when the bridge is ready

  // Recover if the board is in AP mode - unused
  Process wifiList;
  bool master = false;
  wifiList.runShellCommand(F("iwinfo | grep \"Mode: Master\""));
  while (wifiList.available() > 0) {
    master = true;

  // Get the list of reachable networks
  wifiList.runShellCommand(F("iwinfo wlan0 scan | grep ESSID | cut -d\"\\\"\" -f2"));

  uint8_t num_networks = 0;
  uint8_t i = 0;
  char c;
  bool dropNet = false;


  while (wifiList.available() > 0) {
    c = wifiList.read();
    if (c != '\n') {
      networks[i] += c;
    } else {
      // check if we already found networks[i] and eventually drop it
      for (uint8_t s = 0; s < i; s++) {
        if (networks[i].equals(networks[s])) {
          dropNet = true;
      if (i <= MAX_WIFI_LIST && dropNet == false) {
      } else {
        dropNet = false;

  num_networks = i;

  String encryption;
  String password;
  int chose = 0;

  // If networks number is 0, start manual configuration
  if (num_networks == 0) {
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("Oops, it seems that you have no WiFi network available"));
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("Let's configure it manually"));
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("SSID of the network you want to connect to: "));
    networks[0] = getUserInput(networks[0], false);
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("Password for the network you want to connect to: "));
    password = getUserInput(password, true);
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("Encryption (eg WPA, WPA2, WEP): "));
    encryption = getUserInput(encryption, false);
  } else {
    // else print them prepending a number
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("It looks like you have "));
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F(" networks around you "));
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("Which one do you want to connect to?\n"));
    for (i = 0; i < num_networks && i < MAX_WIFI_LIST; i++) {
      SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(") " + networks[i]);
    String selection;
    selection = getUserInput(selection, false);
    chose = atoi(selection.c_str());

  // Extract the selected network security
  bool openNet = false;
  wifiList.runShellCommand("iwinfo wlan0 scan | grep \"" + networks[chose] + "\" -A5 | grep Encryption | cut -f2 -d\":\"");
  while (wifiList.available() > 0) {
    c = wifiList.read();
    encryption += c;

  if (encryption.indexOf("none") >= 0) {
    openNet = true;
    encryption = "none";
  if (encryption.indexOf("WPA2") >= 0) {
    encryption = "psk2";
  if (encryption.indexOf("WPA") >= 0) {
    encryption = "psk";
  if (encryption.indexOf("WEP") >= 0) {
    encryption = "wep";

  if (openNet == false && password.length() == 0) {
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("It looks like you need a password to connect to "));
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("Write it here: "));
    password = getUserInput(password, true);

  // Change hostname/root password
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("We are almost done! Give a name and a password to your Yun"));
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("Name: "));
  yunName = getUserInput(yunName, false);
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("Password: "));
  yunPassword = getUserInput(yunPassword, true);

  // Select a country code
  String countryCode;
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("One last question: where do you live?"));
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("Insert a two letters county code (eg IT, US, DE): "));
  countryCode = getUserInput(countryCode, false);


  // Configure the Yun with user provided strings
  wifiConfig(yunName, yunPassword, networks[chose], password, "YUN" + yunName + "AP", countryCode, encryption);

  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("Waiting for the Yun to connect to the network"));

bool Connected = false;
bool serialTerminalMode = false;
int runs = 0;

void loop() {
  if (!serialTerminalMode) {
    String resultStr = "";

    if (!Connected) {

    // If it takes more than 20 seconds to connect, stop trying
    if (runs > 20) {
      SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("We couldn't connect to the network."));
      SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println(F("Restart the board if you want to execute the wizard again"));
      resultStr = getUserInput(resultStr, false);

    // Check if we have an IP address
    Process wifiCheck;
    wifiCheck.runShellCommand(F("/usr/bin/pretty-wifi-info.lua | grep \"IP address\" | cut -f2 -d\":\" | cut -f1 -d\"/\"" ));  // command you want to run
    while (wifiCheck.available() > 0) {
      char c = wifiCheck.read();
      resultStr += c;


    if (resultStr != "") {
      // We got an IP, freeze the loop, display the value and "spawn" a serial terminal
      Connected = true;
      SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("\nGreat! You can now reach your Yun from a browser typing http://"));
      SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.print(F("Press 'Enter' key twice to start a serial terminal"));
      resultStr = getUserInput(resultStr, false);
      serialTerminalMode = true;
      SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.write((uint8_t *)"\xff\0\0\x05XXXXX\x7f\xf9", 11); // send "bridge shutdown" command
      SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.write((uint8_t *)"\n", 1);

  } else {

String getUserInput(String out, bool obfuscated) {
    while (SerialUSB.available() <= 0) {}
    while (SerialUSB.available() > 0) {
    char c =  SerialUSB.read();
    out += c;
    return out;
  while (SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.available() <= 0) {}
  while (1) {
    char c = SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.read();
    if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
    else {
      if (c != -1) {
        out += c;
        if (obfuscated)
  return out;

void wifiConfig(String yunName, String yunPsw, String wifissid, String wifipsw, String wifiAPname, String countryCode, String encryption) {
  Process p;

  p.runShellCommand("blink-start 100"); //start the blue blink

  p.runShellCommand("hostname " + yunName); //change the current hostname
  p.runShellCommand("uci set system.@system[0].hostname='" + yunName + "'"); //change teh hostname in uci

  p.runShellCommand("uci set arduino.@arduino[0].access_point_wifi_name='" + wifiAPname + "'");

  //this block resets the wifi psw
  p.runShellCommand("uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption='" + encryption + "'");
  p.runShellCommand("uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].mode='sta'\n");
  p.runShellCommand("uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid='" + wifissid + "'");
  p.runShellCommand("uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key='" + wifipsw + "'");
  p.runShellCommand("uci set wireless.radio0.channel='auto'");
  p.runShellCommand("uci set wireless.radio0.country='" + countryCode + "'");
  p.runShellCommand("uci delete network.lan.ipaddr");
  p.runShellCommand("uci delete network.lan.netmask");
  p.runShellCommand("uci set network.lan.proto='dhcp'");

  p.runShellCommand("echo -e \"" + yunPsw + "\n" + yunPsw + "\" | passwd root"); //change the passwors
  p.runShellCommand("uci commit"); //save the mods done via UCI
  p.runShellCommand("blink-stop"); //start the blue blink

  p.runShellCommand("wifi ");

long linuxBaud = 250000;

void startSerialTerminal() {
  SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.begin(115200);  // open serial connection via USB-Serial
  SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.begin(linuxBaud); // open serial connection to Linux

boolean commandMode = false;
void loopSerialTerminal() {
  // copy from USB-CDC to UART
  int c = SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.read();    // read from USB-CDC
  if (c != -1) {                            // got anything?
    if (commandMode == false) {             // if we aren't in command mode...
      if (c == '~') {                       //    Tilde '~' key pressed?
        commandMode = true;                 //       enter in command mode
      } else {
        SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.write(c);      //    otherwise write char to UART
    } else {                                // if we are in command mode...
      if (c == '0') {                       //     '0' key pressed?
        SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.begin(57600);  //        set speed to 57600
        SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println("Speed set to 57600");
      } else if (c == '1') {                //     '1' key pressed?
        SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.begin(115200); //        set speed to 115200
        SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println("Speed set to 115200");
      } else if (c == '2') {                //     '2' key pressed?
        SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.begin(250000); //        set speed to 250000
        SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println("Speed set to 250000");
      } else if (c == '3') {                //     '3' key pressed?
        SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.begin(500000); //        set speed to 500000
        SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println("Speed set to 500000");
      } else if (c == '~') {                //     '~` key pressed?
        SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.write((uint8_t *)"\xff\0\0\x05XXXXX\x7f\xf9", 11); // send "bridge shutdown" command
        SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.println("Sending bridge's shutdown command");
      } else {                              //     any other key pressed?
        SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.write('~');    //        write '~' to UART
        SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.write(c);      //        write char to UART
      commandMode = false;                  //     in all cases exit from command mode

  // copy from UART to USB-CDC
  c = SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE.read();          // read from UART
  if (c != -1) {                            // got anything?
    SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL.write(c);        //    write to USB-CDC

[Get Code]

  • Bridge: 从网页浏览器进入开发板的引脚。
  • Console ASCII Table: 示范了怎样打印多种格式到控制台。
  • Console Pixel: 通过控制台控制一个LED灯。
  • Console Read: 从控制台那里分析信息,然后重复发送返回。
  • Datalogger: 在SD卡上保存传感器信息。
  • File Write Script: 示范怎样在Process上写入和执行外壳脚本。
  • HTTP Client: 建造一个简单的客户端,可以下载网页并且打印到串口监视器。
  • HTTP Client Console: 建造一个简单的客户端,可以下载网页并且用控制台通过WIFI打印到串口监视器。
  • Mailbox Read Messages: 用REST API通过一个网页发送文本信息到。
  • Process: 示范怎么用Process运行 Linux 命令。
  • Remote Due Blink: 示范怎么远程上传程序到DUE开发板上。
  • Shell Commands: 用Process 来运行 shell 命令。
  • SpacebrewYun: 在Arduino IDE软件的例子上看更多关于 Spacebrew 文档信息。
  • Temboo: 在Arduino IDE软件的例子上看更多关于 Temboo 文档信息。
  • Temperature Web Panel: 当浏览者要求时,粘贴传感数据到网页上。
  • Time Check: 从网络的时间服务器获得时间,并且打印到串口监视器。
  • WiFi Status: 运行一个预配置的脚本,报告返回当前wifi网络的强度。
  • Yun First Config: 用串口监视器不费力地连接你的云产品到wifi网络,并且在上面回答一些简单的问题。
  • Yun Serial Terminal: 通过串口监视器进入Linux终端。

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标签: arduino库教程, arduino yun first config