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Character Analysis: Use the operators to recognise the type of character we are dealing with.
String Addition Operator: Add strings together in a variety of ways.
String Append Operator: Use the += operator and the concat() method to append things to Strings.
String Case Changes: Change the case of a string.
String Characters: Get/set the value of a specific character in a string.
String Comparison Operators: Compare strings alphabetically.
String Constructors: Initialize string objects.
String Index Of: Look for the first/last instance of a character in a string.
String Length & String Length Trim: Get and trim the length of a string.
String Replace: Replace individual characters in a string.
String Start With Ends With: Check which characters/substrings a given string starts or ends with.
String Substring: Look for "phrases" within a given string.
String To Int: Allows you to convert a String to an integer number.

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标签: arduino内置教程, arduino字符串