这个例子示范了领先的串口打印函数,在串口监视器产生字符表格和它们在decimal,hexadecimal, octal, 和 binary的ASCII值。更多关于ASCII,请参考
- Arduino or Genuino 开发板
ASCII table
Prints out byte values in all possible formats:
* as raw binary values
* as ASCII-encoded decimal, hex, octal, and binary values
For more on ASCII, see and
The circuit: No external hardware needed.
created 2006
by Nicholas Zambetti
modified 9 Apr 2012
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.
void setup() {
//Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
// prints title with ending line break
Serial.println("ASCII Table ~ Character Map");
// first visible ASCIIcharacter '!' is number 33:
int thisByte = 33;
// you can also write ASCII characters in single quotes.
// for example. '!' is the same as 33, so you could also use this:
//int thisByte = '!';
void loop() {
// prints value unaltered, i.e. the raw binary version of the
// byte. The serial monitor interprets all bytes as
// ASCII, so 33, the first number, will show up as '!'
Serial.print(", dec: ");
// prints value as string as an ASCII-encoded decimal (base 10).
// Decimal is the default format for Serial.print() and Serial.println(),
// so no modifier is needed:
// But you can declare the modifier for decimal if you want to.
//this also works if you uncomment it:
// Serial.print(thisByte, DEC);
Serial.print(", hex: ");
// prints value as string in hexadecimal (base 16):
Serial.print(thisByte, HEX);
Serial.print(", oct: ");
// prints value as string in octal (base 8);
Serial.print(thisByte, OCT);
Serial.print(", bin: ");
// prints value as string in binary (base 2)
// also prints ending line break:
Serial.println(thisByte, BIN);
// if printed last visible character '~' or 126, stop:
if (thisByte == 126) { // you could also use if (thisByte == '~') {
// This loop loops forever and does nothing
while (true) {
// go on to the next character
[Get Code]
ASCII Table ~ Character Map
!, dec: 33, hex: 21, oct: 41, bin: 100001
", dec: 34, hex: 22, oct: 42, bin: 100010
#, dec: 35, hex: 23, oct: 43, bin: 100011
$, dec: 36, hex: 24, oct: 44, bin: 100100
%, dec: 37, hex: 25, oct: 45, bin: 100101
&, dec: 38, hex: 26, oct: 46, bin: 100110
', dec: 39, hex: 27, oct: 47, bin: 100111
(, dec: 40, hex: 28, oct: 50, bin: 101000
), dec: 41, hex: 29, oct: 51, bin: 101001
*, dec: 42, hex: 2A, oct: 52, bin: 101010
+, dec: 43, hex: 2B, oct: 53, bin: 101011
,, dec: 44, hex: 2C, oct: 54, bin: 101100
-, dec: 45, hex: 2D, oct: 55, bin: 101101
., dec: 46, hex: 2E, oct: 56, bin: 101110
/, dec: 47, hex: 2F, oct: 57, bin: 101111
0, dec: 48, hex: 30, oct: 60, bin: 110000
1, dec: 49, hex: 31, oct: 61, bin: 110001
2, dec: 50, hex: 32, oct: 62, bin: 110010
3, dec: 51, hex: 33, oct: 63, bin: 110011
4, dec: 52, hex: 34, oct: 64, bin: 110100
5, dec: 53, hex: 35, oct: 65, bin: 110101
6, dec: 54, hex: 36, oct: 66, bin: 110110
7, dec: 55, hex: 37, oct: 67, bin: 110111
8, dec: 56, hex: 38, oct: 70, bin: 111000
9, dec: 57, hex: 39, oct: 71, bin: 111001
:, dec: 58, hex: 3A, oct: 72, bin: 111010
;, dec: 59, hex: 3B, oct: 73, bin: 111011
<, dec: 60, hex: 3C, oct: 74, bin: 111100
=, dec: 61, hex: 3D, oct: 75, bin: 111101
>, dec: 62, hex: 3E, oct: 76, bin: 111110
?, dec: 63, hex: 3F, oct: 77, bin: 111111
@, dec: 64, hex: 40, oct: 100, bin: 1000000
A, dec: 65, hex: 41, oct: 101, bin: 1000001
B, dec: 66, hex: 42, oct: 102, bin: 1000010
C, dec: 67, hex: 43, oct: 103, bin: 1000011
D, dec: 68, hex: 44, oct: 104, bin: 1000100
E, dec: 69, hex: 45, oct: 105, bin: 1000101
- increment, ++
- while()
- serial()
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- SerialCallResponseASCII - 通过一个呼-应的方法(握手)来发送多个变数,并在发送前解码(ASCII)这些数值。
- SerialEvent - 使用SerialEvent()函数
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