在本教程中,我们将根据这篇`论文<https://www.ri.cmu.edu/pub_files/pub3/coulter_r_craig_1992_1/coulter_r_craig_1992_1.pdf>`_实现纯追踪路径跟踪算法。 建议您仔细阅读一下。
注意:本教程基于 Nav2 堆栈中现有的 Regulated Pure Pursuit 控制器的简化版本。 您可以在`此处 <https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation2_tutorials/tree/126902457c5c646b136569886d6325f070c1073d/nav2_pure_pursuit_controller>`_ 找到与本教程匹配的源代码。
ROS 2 (二进制或从源代码构建)
Nav2 (包括依赖项)
1- 创建一个新的控制器插件
我们将实现纯追踪控制器。本教程中带注释的代码可以在 navigation_tutorials 存储库中找到,名为 nav2_pure_pursuit_controller
Virtual method |
Method description |
Requires override? |
configure() |
Method is called when controller server enters on_configure state. Ideally this method should perform declarations of ROS parameters and initialization of controller’s member variables. This method takes 4 input params: weak pointer to parent node, controller name, tf buffer pointer and shared pointer to costmap. |
Yes |
activate() |
Method is called when controller server enters on_activate state. Ideally this method should implement operations which are necessary before controller goes to an active state. |
Yes |
deactivate() |
Method is called when controller server enters on_deactivate state. Ideally this method should implement operations which are necessary before controller goes to an inactive state. |
Yes |
cleanup() |
Method is called when controller server goes to on_cleanup state. Ideally this method should clean up resources which are created for the controller. |
Yes |
setPlan() |
Method is called when the global plan is updated. Ideally this method should perform operations that transform the global plan and store it. |
Yes |
computeVelocityCommands() |
Method is called when a new velocity command is demanded by the controller server in-order for the robot to follow the global path. This method returns a geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped which represents the velocity command for the robot to drive. This method passes 2 parameters: reference to the current robot pose and its current velocity. |
Yes |
cancel() |
Method is called when the controller server receives a cancel request. If this method is unimplemented, the controller will immediately stop when receiving a cancel request. If this method is implemented, the controller can perform a more graceful stop and signal the controller server when it is done. |
No |
setSpeedLimit() |
Method is called when it is required to limit the maximum linear speed of the robot. Speed limit could be expressed in absolute value (m/s) or in percentage from maximum robot speed. Note that typically, maximum rotational speed is being limited proportionally to the change of maximum linear speed, in order to keep current robot behavior untouched. |
Yes |
在控制器中,“configure()”方法必须从 ROS 参数中设置成员变量并执行任何所需的初始化。
void PurePursuitController::configure(
const rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode::WeakPtr & parent,
std::string name, std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::Buffer> tf,
std::shared_ptr<nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS> costmap_ros)
node_ = parent;
auto node = node_.lock();
costmap_ros_ = costmap_ros;
tf_ = tf;
plugin_name_ = name;
logger_ = node->get_logger();
clock_ = node->get_clock();
node, plugin_name_ + ".desired_linear_vel", rclcpp::ParameterValue(
node, plugin_name_ + ".lookahead_dist",
node, plugin_name_ + ".max_angular_vel", rclcpp::ParameterValue(
node, plugin_name_ + ".transform_tolerance", rclcpp::ParameterValue(
node->get_parameter(plugin_name_ + ".desired_linear_vel", desired_linear_vel_);
node->get_parameter(plugin_name_ + ".lookahead_dist", lookahead_dist_);
node->get_parameter(plugin_name_ + ".max_angular_vel", max_angular_vel_);
double transform_tolerance;
node->get_parameter(plugin_name_ + ".transform_tolerance", transform_tolerance);
transform_tolerance_ = rclcpp::Duration::from_seconds(transform_tolerance);
这里,“plugin_name_ + “.desired_linear_vel””正在获取特定于我们的控制器的 ROS 参数“desired_linear_vel”。 Nav2 允许加载多个插件,为了保持井然有序,每个插件都映射到某个 ID/名称。 现在,如果我们想要检索该特定插件的参数,我们使用“<mapped_name_of_plugin>.<name_of_parameter>”,如上面的代码片段所示。 例如,我们的示例控制器映射到名称“FollowPath”,为了检索特定于“FollowPath”的“desired_linear_vel”参数, 我们使用“FollowPath.desired_linear_vel”。换句话说,“FollowPath”用作特定于插件的参数的命名空间。 当我们讨论参数文件(或 params 文件)时,我们将对此有更多了解。
void PurePursuitController::setPlan(const nav_msgs::msg::Path & path)
// Transform global path into the robot's frame
global_plan_ = transformGlobalPlan(path);
所需速度的计算发生在“computeVelocityCommands()”方法中。它用于根据当前速度和姿势计算所需速度命令。 第三个参数是指向“nav2_core::GoalChecker”的指针,用于检查是否已达到目标。在我们的示例中,不会使用它。 在纯追踪的情况下,算法会计算速度命令,使机器人尽可能接近地遵循全局路径。 该算法假设线速度恒定,并根据全局路径的曲率计算角速度。
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped PurePursuitController::computeVelocityCommands(
const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped & pose,
const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist & velocity,
nav2_core::GoalChecker * /*goal_checker*/)
// Find the first pose which is at a distance greater than the specified lookahead distance
auto goal_pose = std::find_if(
global_plan_.poses.begin(), global_plan_.poses.end(),
[&](const auto & global_plan_pose) {
return hypot(
global_plan_pose.pose.position.y) >= lookahead_dist_;
double linear_vel, angular_vel;
// If the goal pose is in front of the robot then compute the velocity using the pure pursuit algorithm
// else rotate with the max angular velocity until the goal pose is in front of the robot
if (goal_pose.position.x > 0) {
auto curvature = 2.0 * goal_pose.position.y /
(goal_pose.position.x * goal_pose.position.x + goal_pose.position.y * goal_pose.position.y);
linear_vel = desired_linear_vel_;
angular_vel = desired_linear_vel_ * curvature;
} else {
linear_vel = 0.0;
angular_vel = max_angular_vel_;
// Create and publish a TwistStamped message with the desired velocity
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped cmd_vel;
cmd_vel.header.frame_id = pose.header.frame_id;
cmd_vel.header.stamp = clock_->now();
cmd_vel.twist.linear.x = linear_vel;
cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = max(
-1.0 * abs(max_angular_vel_), min(
angular_vel, abs(
return cmd_vel;
2- 导出控制器插件
现在我们已经创建了自定义控制器,我们需要导出控制器插件,以便控制器服务器可以看到它。 插件在运行时加载,如果它们不可见,那么我们的控制器服务器将无法加载它们。在 ROS 2 中,导出和加载插件由“pluginlib”处理。
#include "pluginlib/class_list_macros.hpp"
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(nav2_pure_pursuit_controller::PurePursuitController, nav2_core::Controller)
请注意,它需要 pluginlib 来导出插件的类。Pluginlib 将提供宏“PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS”,它完成导出的所有工作。
library path
: Plugin’s library name and its location.class name
: Name of the class.class type
: Type of class.base class
: Name of the base class.description
: Description of the plugin.
<library path="nav2_pure_pursuit_controller">
<class type="nav2_pure_pursuit_controller::PurePursuitController" base_class_type="nav2_core::Controller">
This is pure pursuit controller
下一步是使用 CMake 函数“pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file()”导出“CMakeLists.txt”插件。此函数将插件描述文件安装到“share”目录并设置索引以使其可发现。
pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file(nav2_core pure_pursuit_controller_plugin.xml)
<nav2_core plugin="${prefix}/pure_pursuit_controller_plugin.xml" />
3- 通过 params 文件传递插件名称
controller_plugins: ["FollowPath"]
plugin: "nav2_pure_pursuit_controller::PurePursuitController" # In Iron and older versions, "/" was used instead of "::"
debug_trajectory_details: True
desired_linear_vel: 0.2
lookahead_dist: 0.4
max_angular_vel: 1.0
transform_tolerance: 1.0
在上面的代码片段中,您可以观察到我们的“nav2_pure_pursuit_controller::PurePursuitController”控制器到其 id“FollowPath”的映射。 为了传递插件特定的参数,我们使用了“<plugin_id>.<plugin_specific_parameter>”。
4- 运行 Pure Pursuit Controller 插件
运行启用 Nav2 的 Turtlebot3 模拟。有关如何运行的详细说明,请参阅:ref:getting_started。下面是快捷命令:
$ ros2 launch nav2_bringup tb3_simulation_launch.py params_file:=/path/to/your_params_file.yaml
然后转到 RViz,单击顶部的“2D 姿势估计”按钮,并按照 入门指南 中所述指向地图上的位置。 机器人将在地图上定位,然后单击“Nav2 目标”,然后单击您希望机器人导航到的姿势。 之后,控制器将使机器人遵循全局路径。